In normal times we would be starting a new block of Pilates sessions this week. So I thought it would be a timely reminder for you all to log in to the website and have a go at the on line classes. I know quite a few of you are already doing the classes so I thank you and encourage you to continue. There is a mixture of classes as I know some of you are keeping with your Pilates routine and doing 1 class each week, others are doing a few sessions each week and others are trying to balance working from home and looking after children so are pleased to fit 30 mins of Pilates somewhere into your week. So hopefully the varied length of the classes will fit with all. The start of the block is usually a very busy time for me. Planning the classes can begin months in advance when one of us books a holiday and we pencil in cover. Moya had booked a holiday in Spain for May so will sadly have to wait and go later in the year. Then there is the creating of the classes in the diary, printing the class slips (all 264 of them / spotting the errors is never easy....look closely at the above!!), cutting them up and stapling into pairs for each of you, organising swaps, and the banking side.......I have really noticed extra time in my life over the past 2 weeks !!! I think that's why I got carried away with my last 2 videos.....both are over an hour long !!! I have been practising live classes on Zoom this week and hope to be ready to share this with you soon. Please let me know if you would be interested in joining live classes.
Please be careful because people are going crazy from being in lockdown! Actually I've just been talking about this with the microwave and toaster while drinking coffee and we all agreed that things are getting bad. I didn't mention anything to the washing machine as she puts a different spin on everything. Certainly not to the fridge as he is acting cold and distant. In the end, the iron straightened me out as she said everything will be fine, no situation is too pressing. The vacuum cleaner was very unsympathetic... told me to just suck it up, but the fan was more optimistic and hoped it would all soon blow over! The toilet looked a bit flushed when I asked its opinion and didn’t say anything but the doorknob told me to get a grip. The front door said I was unhinged and so the curtains told me to ........yes, you guessed it .....pull myself together. Because you have been so good in the lockdown so far, you can now have the next four days off. We are all finding it a difficult time so if you can share, talk, and do your Pilates it will help! (For More help go to Mind web site.)
Yes Anne, I would be interested in a live Zoom class. It would focus the mind to have a definite time to take part in a class. I had problems with my laptop last week and couldn't get a WiFi connection until a neighbour sorted me out and this week - well, the sun is shining so all my exercise (apart from Joe Wicks with the grandchildren) is in the garden....