I would like to say a massive Thank you to those of you who have purchased your plans and Booked your live Pilates Classes at the studio next week. Your willingness to embrace our subscription payments and on line booking has delighted me. I know quite a few people have surprised themselves in how well they have navigated the website….it’s amazing what pleasures we find in life these days !!
Rachael,Rachel, Josie and I are really looking forwards to meeting you all in the flesh again after such an extraordinary time of our lives. As physios face to face contact is what comes naturally to us. The thought of being in the room with a group of you is just amazing. We have adapted our skills well over the past fifteen months but face to face is still our top choice!
We still have some spaces left in the Live classes so even if you haven’t done any Pilates since last year please do get in touch. The benefits of Pilates are relevant in all our lives, whether you have taken up new exercise during lockdown or have done very little the importance of maintaining stability, muscle balance and efficient movement patterns is relevant for everyone.
Group exercise greatly benefits our Mental and Physical health so please come and give it a go!
Mike and I put the final touches on the Studio yesterday including a wonderful fan that we will put on between classes to exchange the air in the room in 3 mins!! That is all part of our covid aware environment making it possible for us to enjoy practicing our Pilates together in the same place.

Full Covid recommendations are still in place so we will be providing reduced class size to enable 2m Social distancing between clients, windows open for good ventilation (and the fan between classes), on line booking thus avoiding waiting around to arrange swaps while at the studio, wearing of masks while moving around the studio BUT MASKS WILL NOT BE WORN DURING THE CLASS, greeting on entry to the building to confirm your covid Screening questionnaire(online completion of the form only needs to happen prior to your first class.)
We have reduced the number of live classes slightly to reflect the number of you continuing with Plates On Demand and Zoom. We will continue to work hard to provide a balance between Online and Live Classes and hope to increase our Live Classes as demand is needed.
Thank you for your continued support. Without all the Platinum and Gold Members we would not be opening tomorrow. It's going to be a very exciting and emotional day...I'm pleased to have Pilates to keep me calm!
Take Care