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Time for a Holiday !

Not sure if this blog is a very prompt entry for this week or a very late entry for last week Either way I thought I should put my fingers on the keys to bring you up to date with what’s been happening at Pilates By Physiotherapy before I head off on holiday in the morning.

The live classes in the studio whilst delivering Zoom have been a success. Everyone involved has given positive feedback. Hearing all the reasons why some people love to come to the studio while others are happy to stay with Zoom or videos is fascinating. All your points are valid and reasonable, variety is the spice of life!! Classes in the studio are certainly different, I had to resist the urge to use my hands to soften those ribs!!! Chatter was plentiful in some classes, less in others!! Some people missed their view of the mirrors others happy to have live company while they were exercising.

Rachel, Rachael, Moya and I will do our best to meet the needs of as many clients as possible as we move forwards with live classes. Certainly the 3 of us working in the NHS are finding our new roles enormously challenging. I feel lucky to have Pilates to bring some peace and fulfilment to my working life.

At home we have had quite a few visitors over the past few weeks. The balance between meeting up with family and friends and keeping social distancing and limiting my contacts is certainly a challenge. It is lovely to catch up with people but it doesn’t seem to take much to realise your string of contacts is quite large. The chaos around us over the past few weeks with regards to A level results and university places is certainly a reminder that we are in unprecedented times. Public Health England have just published new Guidelines with regards to Infection Control, not easy reading I can promise you. I will resist the temptation to take them on holiday…they might have changed again next week.

Archie managed his first 8km run last weekend. Rachel was home and was happy to take responsibility for him as we ran. He did very well, avoiding the river and trotting along quite nicely when we had him on his lead. I have to admit I didn’t take him this morning as I headed out on my own !! He is coming on holiday with us and I have just discovered today that the farm where we are staying have a two year old female lab so we could be in for some fun !!!

All being well I will send out a questionnaire to all clients next weekend to get a measure of how you would like to continue with Pilates in the coming months. I have no idea where we go from here. Live classes with Zoom work and I hope to start some live classes on 7th September. Obviously we need the business to be viable and sustainable so a lot depends on what you want. I’m sure everyone realises life is very different to when we were all together at the studio in March. I’m so pleased so many of you have continued with Pilates. I’m confident it has a lot to bring you all and am proud so many of you continue to feel the benefits. I look forwards to September, I hope to return from Derbyshire ready to embrace the next stage of our covid journey !!

I hope you are all able to make the most of these last few weeks of summer….its 9 O’Clock and its dark !! Those of you missing a zoom class this week do put on a video…. Rachael’s video tomorrow will be a good challenge..

Take care


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Unknown member
Aug 25, 2020

Have a lovely break, Anne - hope the weather holds up for you!


Marney Harris
Aug 24, 2020

Hope you have a good holiday, and that the sun shines at least a bit!


Unknown member
Aug 24, 2020

Have a lovely holiday Anne. You have done a great job meeting the needs of everyone in these unprecedented times. Not easy trying to cater for diverse needs but you have risen to the challenge So well done you! I’ve really enjoyed the live classes as I like the social integration with you lovely ladies. So look forward to more live classes xx


Unknown member
Aug 24, 2020

Have a great break and unwind from all that you’ve been dealing with. X


Victoria Redway
Victoria Redway
Aug 23, 2020

Archie looks very handsome and alert in the photo. Hopefully, he will have a cameo role in another video soon?!

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