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Live Classes Launch

Coming Soon

Live class timetable will be available to book into from Friday 4th September

Thank you to the 100 people who have replied to our survey.If you have not yet replied please click on the survey button here.

We have had a very positive response with a real mixture of what people want, some wanting to stay with their current plans others move to fortnightly live classes and some to weekly classes. A good number of people who have not done online Pilates have also expressed interest in coming back to the studio.

Class times will be available by clicking on the Class times button at the top of the home page from the morning of Friday 4th September. Please read it carefully not to get live at the studio and Zoom mixed up!

Current Gold and Platinum members will be able to book into the classes via the website. Mike has done a video on the homepage to explain how to do this. If the class you want to come to is full please add your name to the waiting list for that class. If you are wanting to come twice a month please book either weeks 1 and 3 (week commencing 7th Sept and 21st Sept) or weeks 2 and 4 (week commencing 14th and 28th Sept) as this will mean we have the same clients in the class which I am really keen to hold onto. Please don’t be put off by booking online, we have learnt a lot from the Zoom bookings so I am confident you will work it out. Do get in touch if you are struggling. I will confirm your place in the class over the weekend (I cannot guarantee you will get what you book)

Clients not signed up to a current plan should send me an email with their class preferences on.

Do remember there is no change in prices this month… step at a time and if things are looking good the new plans will come in properly on 1st October.

If you are unable to attend the classes we have started please send me an email to let me know what class you would prefer (from the old timetable) and we will try to put on more classes as numbers increase.

One final reminder, before you come to the studio please complete and submit the Medical Questionnaire AND Screening Questionnaire on the Coming to Classes page of the website. This is essential for us to demonstrate to Track and Trace that our services are to the standard expected of Physiotherapists. If you have not been in touch for a while either Moya or I will ring you before you come to the studio to keep in line with the CSP Guidelines of Virtual First and make sure you are comfortable with the new procedures in place.

Thanks again for all your support, lets hope this next step of our covid journey brings us all the opportunity to keep up with Pilates!

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