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Hello my name's Jo Bolton and I'm really looking forward to bringing a yoga class to the Pilates studio.
What can Yoga Do for me?
Do you want to:
A deeper awareness of Yourselves
I trained to teach with the North East institute of Iyengar Yoga nearly 20 years ago. Iyengar yoga offers a very precise, yet fluid and creative form of yoga. I'm always looking for new inspiration, and have regular classes with senior Iyengar teachers as well as enjoying influences from other teachers such as Donna Farhi and Buddhist meditation practises.
In our class we will use equipment such as blocks and belts to support the student to gain the most from postures, making it accessible to all. Through the exploration of Yoga postures and breath work we gain strength, flexibility, stamina and a deeper awareness of ourselves, creating a more peaceful, relaxed presence.
Class will be 9.30am-10.45am Wed mornings. Cost £9
click on the booking button and we will get in contact to organise your first class.
To book a yoga class click on the button below then fill in your contact details and press send.
Or ring: 07814776047
After Great Successful launch Yoga Class continues at the studio on Wednesdays at
with Jo Bolton
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