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Writer's pictureAnne Burr

Welcome !

It has been quite a while since my last blog. Not sure where February disappeared to. There has been so much going on at the Studio we seem to have arrived at the lighter mornings and evenings in a flash. Anna has settled well into her Monday night classes and Rachael B has been back doing some cover classes so it's great to feel the spirit of the business grow.

We would like to welcome almost 20 new clients who have joined Pilates By Physiotherapy over the past couple of weeks. With the closing of Osteopilates in Belmont we are delighted that so many of you have chosen to continue your Pilates here with us. It has been quite an extra ordinary time, Rachel has started a NEW CLASS on a Tuesday at 11.00 am and other clients have been absorbed into our regular classes.

We hope all the new clients will get to grips with the plans / online booking and please do give me a ring with any issues. It’s now nearly three years since we moved on line during covid and I’m proud to say all of our clients manage their plans well. It’s a steep learning curve but it works out in the end !! It’s really interesting for us to see the similarities and differences between our teaching methods and the ones you are used to. I hope you will continue to enjoy and feel the benefits of Pilates as you have been doing for many years. It’s clear to see you have all been well taught and are full of enthusiasm and understanding of Pilates.

As many of you have noticed, after much deliberation we have new tape on the floor directing you to a new mat position. Thank you for your patience with this, it has taken quite some practice to get our heads around the change in mat position!! I now have a greater understanding on the importance of routine for many of you and its reassuring to know you appreciate our attention to detail.

This chap heard the commotion and came to have a look !!

There have been some changes to our timetable. The Wednesday evening Zoom class is no longer running as more clients have returned live to the studio. There will be a Wednesday evening zoom at 7.40 pm with Karen on the weeks when Monday is a bank holiday so please book that if the Monday night zoom is your regular slot.

Do remember everyone has access to over 120 videos that you can do at home at any time which should be a real benefit over the next couple of months will all the bank holidays. A growing number of clients are enjoying 2 sessions per week, it would be great to hear from you how this is going? Do keep an eye on the Class Times page to check for cancelled classes over the bank holidays. I have set up TWO EXTRA CLASSES on WEDNESDSAY 12 TH APRIL at 9.30 am and 10.45 am to help the Friday and Monday clients catch up from easter weekend. Please book into these directly and I will start a waiting list when they fill up. If your plan does not renew until nearer that date let me know and I will book you in in advance.

I hope you are all enjoying keeping moving with Pilates.

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