We would like to wish all our clients a Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year

Thank you to you all for your continued commitment to PilatesByPhysiotherapy . For the first time this year you can get down on your mat between Christmas and New Year Live in the Studio or on Zoom. Click the button below to check out Christmas Classes.
Don't forget you also have classes on tap chosing one of the 117 videos available any time of day !
I would like to thank Shirley and Josie for all their hard work. They are off on new adventures so will not be continuing to work with us in the New Year. I'm excited to let you know that we have a new Physio starting with us at the end of January and a NEW CLASS with Karen starting on Thursdays at 10.45 am from 5th January
I hope you all enjoy your Christmas Festivities and I look forwards to getting back on our mats in 2023 !