The early blast of summer has been welcomed this week. I hope you have all been able to make the most of the sunshine but not get carried away with too much gardening!!
The weeks seem to be spinning by. Its now almost a year since I left the NHS and I have hardly started my to do list!
It has been great to welcome so many new faces to the Live Classes and see some familiar faces return. Karen has been a fantastic asset seeing the vast majority of new clients for their Introductory assessment and also building a Physiotherapy Treatment list too.
We are increasing our Physiotherapy Treatment time so if you have been ignoring any aches and pains for a while please do get in touch to arrange an appointment and spread the word to friends and neighbours.
We also now accept card payments for all Individual appointments. This is much more efficient than our old method of paying into my bank account. Any reduction in admin is greatly appreciated.
The Live class on a Monday at 7.00 pm with Josie is filling up nicely so if you feel you would like to move from online back to Live in the near future please do get in touch to secure a space in that class as it has filled up quickly this week.
We are all enjoying introducing new clients to Pilates. Over the next few months we may suggest that some of you move classes to make sure you are all getting the most from your Pilates routine. Please do consider a move if your Physiotherapist suggests it. I appreciate people like to come at a specific time but as we build up our classes again after being closed during Covid we would like to feel we are working you all to your full potential.
Rachel did a great job managing the admin while I was on holiday. Being self-employed has many perks but drawing the line between being at work and off work is not one of my strengths. I now have separate home and work phones which has transformed my days off into real days off. So if my replies are not as quick as they may have been in the past don’t worry one of us will get back to you within 48 hours. Please use the contact us button on the app or website if you have a query as that way the Physio taking your class can respond more quickly. Having our bookings online makes life very convenient for everyone but it does mean bookings are happening from 6.00 am to 12.00 midnight on many days of the week.
Like many of you we are adapting to different ways of working following the pandemic. It is really interesting sharing experiences with so many of you adapting to home working / hybrid working as a long term option now. Making the most of not having to commute to work by going for a walk, going to the gym, fitting in a Pilates Video or Live class or a cycle has great benefits so please do keep active!
It is a great time of year to brush off our winter habits and step forwards into a more active phase. Pilates fits so well with lots of other forms of exercise to keep you strong and flexible. Many clients are setting off on additional exercise routines to help combat the extra pounds added over the winter. It’s great to see your motivation and share your success. I strongly believe a good foundation in Pilates improves body awareness and
movement control bringing success in many other activities. So keep up the hard work
I hope you all have a lovely weekend